Pregnant after IF

? about Amazon universal registry

Those of you that used the amazon universal registry: when you add things from actual stores (like BRU or Target) can people go to the store and buy it, or do they have to buy it offline?
married since 11/21/06 ~ together since 8/12/01
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BFP 11/08 ~ Chemical Pregnancy
ttc #1 since 5/2010 with PCOS and blocked left tube
IUI #1-2: Gonal F, Ovidrel, IUI: BFN
IUI#2.5:Gonal F + CD34 Ovidrel Trigger + TI 3/14/11: BFP!
Beta #1(10dpo):26 Beta #2(13dpo): 165 Beta #3 (15dpo): 433 Beta #4 (17dpo): 964 Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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