Pregnant after IF

Baby Shower Question

I'm struggling with a decision and thought you ladies might have some input. Sadly, the plans for my baby shower have been nothing but drama from the get go. 2 of my friends offered to put it together and then ended up backing out because they couldn't get along.

Then my BFF, D, from HS said that she would throw me a shower, but she lives 400 miles away. So, I did a lot of it myself as in finding a place to have it, ordering the food and drinks and sending out the invites. And another one of my girlfriends, A, ordered the cake. I paid for the invites, D is paying for the food and A paid for the cake.

So, here is my question - would you give D and A a gift of thanks for their part or no? I really don't know what to do. I know this is not the "normal" baby shower happening as the Mom is just supposed to show up - but that wasn't the case here.


? We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness... ?

12/99 - Miscarriage at 12w - 6/08 - BFP - Miscarriage at 8w, 9/08 - BFP - Miscarriage at 8w2d, 12/08 - Found out I am a carrier of a Balanced Translocation between Chromosomes 8 & 16, 8/2010 - DE IVF = FAIL. 12/18/10 - Surprise BFP! Awaiting our Sticky Miracle! 12/20 - Beta #1-1208 * 12/27 Beta #2 - 6002 1/3/11 Beta #3 - 17,146. Beautiful little heart beating away! Stick little one, stick!

♥ Brielle Skye born August 17th, 2011 ♥ Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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