Pregnant after IF

First U/S Today

Talk about a surreal moment!

 RE walks in, does his congratulations and such and says "Well I guess we need to give you a due date!"

WTH?! I can't believe me? Me?? Wow!


U/S went ok today. I'm 6wks 1 day with an EDD of 1/23/11. We saw the sac, and fetal pole and what he thought was a flicker of a hb. He kept trying to zone in on it and show us. My ovaries are MASSIVE and the RE was impressed I am dealing as well as I am. He had a hard time finding my ute because the ovaries kept getting in the way.

We did not get to hear a hb, which makes me nervous! I know... it's still early!

On the plus side he said that he didn't see anything that would lead him to believe this was anything but a healthy pregnancy. He wasn't worried about not hearing a hb.

We go back again next Wed at 7 weeks. YAY!

And o yeah... our speck is a singleton :)

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