Pregnant after IF

My OB just taught DH how to check my cervix :-/

Well that was awkward!!!    I had to go back to the doctor AGAIN a little while ago because my contractions are now 6 minutes apart and getting more and more uncomfortable. Luckily my cervix hasn't changed too much since yesterday, but she said we may be having this baby within 48 hours. My OB is 28 years old and she is super cute. I LOVE her and my Husband might have a mini crush on her Confused

She knows I'm really nervous about my water breaking at home since the baby is breech, so she asked DH if he wants to know how to check my cervix. He was like "ummmm.....I guess?". So she explained it to him and demonstrated what to do. She wanted him to actually do it in the office but he said he'd rather just wait until it's necessary for him to do it at home!

I guess it's good that he can attempt to gauge my progress with these contractions, but this might be a little too weird for me! She sent him home with gloves and everything...

Our 1st IVF miracle, Briggs Sterling, born via c-section due to IUGR and footling breech. 6.5.11. 5:51am. 5lbs 1.5oz.

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