Pregnant after IF

Poll: What is your company's maternity leave policy?

What is your company's maternity leave policy?

How many sick days do you get per year and do they accrue?  Can you use them?

If your state does something on it own different than your company please mention that.  (you people make me so jealous with your awesome family friendly states!)  

TTC#2: septum removed, 2 losses, Stage 2 Endo, thin lining, slight MFI
iui #5 2/7 + 2/8 = BFP!! 11 dpiui
Beta #1 2/18 11dpiui= 46, Beta #2 13dpiui 150, Beta #3 16dpiui 584!!
u/s revealed triplets! Baby B 3rd loss 8w2d. Twins! EDD 10/31/11 * c/s scheduled 10/12/11 My NEW BLOG Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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