Pregnant after IF

looking for some reassurance

I have not come out yet, but I am 6 weeks pg and tomorrow is my first sono.  So far in this pregnancy I have had it all, sore boobs, nauseau, constantly hungry, etc.  This morning I woke up in a panic because my boobs were not sore, although I still feel nauseous and hungry and exhausted.  As you can see my from siggy, I have had some bad experiences so I am very nervous when it comes to being pg again.

I emailed my doc and am just waiting to hear back from him.  I guess all I really am looking for is some words to help me relax until my appt tomorrow.

Thanks so much!

surprise BFP 7/12/05 = missed m/c and D&C 9/28/05; TTC since 10/06; 1/16/08-D&C to remove bicournate uterus; 4 IUI's = BFN, 2 IVF's = BFFN. 8/5/09 Surprise BFP!! = another missed m/c and d&c 9/28/09 IVF #3 May 2010 = BFP!!!! EDD 1/27/2012
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