Pregnant after IF

XP: interviewing day care

My DH and I will be checking out our first day care tomorrow evening.  Can anyone given advice about what questions I should ask them?  It's an in-home (family) day care, if that helps narrow down questions.  I'd really appreciate some help!  :)

TTC since 5/10
Dx: PCOS 12/10
IUI #1 (2/11/11): Metformin + Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
IUI #2 (3/13/11): Metformin + Gonal-F + Ovidrel = BFP
Beta #1 (15dpo) 460, Beta #2 (17dpo) 829, Beta #3 (19dpo) 1550 u/s #1 (4/12/11): Twins!

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