Pregnant after IF

Gallbladder update

Well its on the fritz. Ok maybe not that dramatic but I love that word. Anyway, u/s showed gall stones and thickening of the wall, which basically just means something is going on in there. I am to stay on this restricted diet and see a GI doctor, who actually squeezed me in for tomorrow at 1:30. Hopefully he can give me more specifics on diet, including how to get in some protein, and long term information.

 Well I have more fun news:

I just heard back from my b/w from yesterday.
Amylase which is normally between 25-115 was 242.
Lipase which is normally between 40-250 was 2339.

My MW spoke to an OB and he said that right now, they will see what the GI doctor said, but could want to take it out since I'm only 25 weeks and the biggest risk with those levels is developing pancreatitis which would be much worse than to get my gall bladder out while still pg.

Hopefully we have a plan by the end of the week. 

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