Pregnant after IF

Update on Me

Evening ladies!  Wanted to give you a small update on our situation...  Will not be leaving the hospital without outside babies.  My BP is under control now, thanks to Labetalol (antihypertensive med). Only one borderline high reading at 6AM today, but I was with 30 minutes of being due for my next dosage. 

Baby A passed her NST, and was "reactive."  Baby B did not pass the NST, but there was no cause for concern, he just wasn't "reactive".  They sent me for an u/s, and both passed their biophysical profiles.  Baby A looks perfect, but Baby B was officially diagnosed with "mild oligohydramnios" (low fluid level) and had a "trace of pericardial effusion" (fluid) around one of his heart chambers.  Our peri is not concerned about this, and said he won't be concerned unless it gets larger in the coming days (my Attending was not at all worried, since NO ONE else has ever seen anything on u/s, and I have had 6 u/s in the last 7 days.) 

So, daily NSTs from here on out, and vital checks every 4 hours (BP, pulse, oxygen levels, temp, and doppler heartrate testing on each baby).

Tomorrow is 31 weeks, and we're really hoping for 3 more!  (Although I know I'll really take each and every day at this point!)  Not that I'm loving being here, I won't lie, it sucks, but at least I know I am doing everything in my power to make sure they're okay.  

Thanks again for thinking of me!!  Happy almost-June ladies!! 

Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

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