Pregnant after IF

first day without meds... happy yet so anxious.

As much as I am glad to know that my RE says I can be done with my twice daily PIO and E2...     I hate today.    I just hate these first few days off of meds.   They require so much trust in my body - which I just don't have!   

I know lots of people go off PIO at 8-9 weeks (I dropped to .5mL at 8 weeks with DD, stopping all together at 9 weeks - which means I've already been on a whole lot more meds this time than last time), so I keep trying to tell myself it'll be ok...   but with the different medication protocol this time, I am just so nervous.   Hoping this week goes by quickly and my OB appointment next week will prove that everything is ok...     bah!

Brought to you by IVF, ICSI, limited fert, and oocyte cryopreservation.
Because we're fancy like that.

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