Pregnant after IF

Checking in on my girls!!!

Ladies!!  I'm a horrible poster these days.  Things have been chaotic, we've listed the house in anticipation of "Operation Move East".  We had about 25 people through the house this weekend and our realtor is sure that one of them is going to end up a sale.  If not, our next door neighbours have approached us to say they are interested in buying the house from us if things don't work out with the realtor. 

Step 2 is approach work in the next week or two assuming that all goes well at our anatomy scan tomorrow and ask for transfers back east, which should go smoothly for both of us as G works pretty remotely already and my work has already said if I were interested in a move back east they would make it happen.  Then we buy a house back east and move!!!  I am so excited to get back home, I really miss my family and friends.  About 7 pals of mine back east are due around the same time and have all settled in my hometown so maternity leave is going to be heaven!  If all goes well I will go off work in Oct 2011 and won't start back at work until Dec 2012.

As for the nugget, we've got a busy little one in there!  I've been feeling movement for about 2 weeks and the other day I swear I felt it from the outside as well.  I made G put his hand there and he said he felt something too but he's being superstitious and doesn't want to believe it was the baby yet.  Haha, I was like "what else would that have been????"  Anatomy scan is tomorrow and I'm hoping we can find out gender.  I've totally popped out and am very obviously pregnant.  I've told all my clients and they laughed at me and said they were just waiting for me to say something, but they mostly were all like "ya, no kidding, we know".

I'm feeling great, although insomnia is still plaguing me.  What I would give for a full night of uninterrupted sleep!!!!!  Otherwise I feel awesome and full of energy most days. 

Okay, am off to check up on everyone!!  I promise I'll be better at posting more!!

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