Pregnant after IF

Admitted to L&D Today

Quick update...  Came in for monitoring and was admitted this morning.  Will be here until the twins are born.  Severe high BP, which has been much better since about 2:00pm on.  (Registered at 170/108 twice this afternoon).  It's now around 135/70, which is much better.    Currently in L&D as there are no beds open in Antenatal, where I'll be be residing once a bed opens. 

They had me consent to a c-section today, as Baby A is still breech...  So, they've prepped us with that.  We also met the NICU team, who came to visit us and talk us through complications with a 30w birth.

Growth looked good today -- Baby A weighs approx 3.3lbs and Baby B weighs approx 2.7lbs. (So each gained a LOT since Monday, which was comforting!)  The goal, as long as my BP stays steady, is to get us to 32w, if not longer.

Thanks again for all the T&Ps!!  It is much appreciated...

Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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