Pregnant after IF

Update on me & the girls (PIPs)

Hi Ladies!  I have been MIA since the girls were born on Monday, but I wanted to share an update and a few pictures. 

I was discharged yesterday.  I am doing very well physically, just tired mainly.  Sadly the girls did not come home with me, so getting back and forth to see them has been tough.  But, I think its probably just a few more days before Ashlyn comes home, and maybe a week before Madelyn comes home.

Ashlyn is doing great! She came off the CPAP and IV after 24 hours, and has been simply feeding and growing since Tuesday.  She has even breastfed three times, and those attempts were semi-successful! =)  She is almost back up to her birth weight.  She is a dark haired cutie, and looks a lot like her dad.  Here she is:


Madelyn has struggled a little more.  Her cord was wrapped around her neck at birth, and she has been having respitory issues, including a collapsed lung that caused her to have a needle inserted through her chest to aspirate the air.  But, as of yesterday, she came off the CPAP, chest tube, and stomach tube.  She still has her IV and is under the bili lights for jaundice, but overall making huge improvements every day.  Yesterday night (4 days old) was the first time I got to hold my little blond baby girl, who looks much more like mommy. 


Here is a closer up pic of Madelyn:


Thanks for all the support, congrats, and well wishes!  I can't wait to have these girls home with us!  I hope everyone else is doing well.  I'm off to go pump and then back to the NICU I go!  XOXOXO Ladies!

After 3 years, 3 losses, and 3 IVF's, our little girls have arrived! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Zoo
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