Pregnant after IF

Great OB appt today!

I had my 16 week appt today and it was amazing!

I am starting to receive bi-weekly cervical checks and today was my first one. The ultrasound tech was AMAZING and spent lots of time with me. Everything looked great with the baby and my cervix was measureing nice at 4.9 (they want to be above 2.5). I asked her to see if she could get a peek at the goods and she said it was really early, so she would only tell us if she was 99.9% sure. Well, I don't know how it could be mistaken because we have a healthy little BOY growing in there! I am so excited to finally go from calling the baby a 'it' to HE! I think DH's face has a permanent smile on it.

I did get put on blood pressure meds though because my blood pressures have been pretty high lately. I have been tracking them for a week now per Dr's orders and they are staying elevated. Hopefully the meds will do the trick and everything will be good.

I am on cloud 9. I was SO anxious about the appointment. Last time I went in for a 16 week appointment my water broke a week later. So, my next appointment will be in 2 weeks and then I will be more pregnant than I have ever been. So excited to pass that milestone!


6/28/10: Lost our sweet baby Addyston at 18wk 1day to pPROM 7/24/11: Michael William born at 24wk 2d due to IC after an emergent cerclage at 18wks, 4wk home BR and 2 weeks hospital BR. Grow strong our little Miracle! 9/17/11: Michael joined his sister in heaven after 8 amazing weeks with us on earth. He fought a very hard fight but NEC was too much for him in the end. Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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