Pregnant after IF

1st OB appointment

I didnt get a chance to update, b/c work has been so crazy. But I had my first OB appointment on Wed. I was so nervous after leaving the comfort of my RE's office. But it went great. She said everything looked good and the baby was moving around again so much! We have our NT scan scheduled for June 9th!
TTC 8/09 C/P 10/09
B/W & SA & HSG Results = Normal
IUI#1 & #2 Clomid = BFN
IUI#3 Follistim + Progesterone = BFN
IVF - 2/20- BCP 3/6 - Lupron 3/17 - Follistim & Menopur
ER - 3/27 25 eggs retreived 18 fertilized ET - 4/1 transferred 2 embies = BFP!!! Beta#1 = 476 Beta#2 = 1,177
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