Pregnant after IF

NPAIFR related...but coworker made me happy cry.

I well up over anything, anyway, so it isn't a surprise.

Coworker's wife died six years ago.  He's 38.  They never had children and it took him a long time to function after her death.

Fastforward: He began dating a woman going through a rough divorce a little over a year ago.  She has two children, 3 and 6.  Her husband took his own life shortly after the divorce was finalized.

Coworker talks about her and the children all the time.  We all refer to them as his family and his kids.  The little one tells people that coworker is her daddy.

Both coworker and the mom are awesome people.  Very driven, ambitious, smart people.  You would want them around.

He told me this morning that he's asking her to marry him. And, that if she approves, he would like to adopt the children. 

Yep.  I cried.

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