Pregnant after IF

Update. Downer OB appointment today

Everything started out pretty positive today. The bedrest seems to be working and my cervix isn't progressing too quickly at this point, despite the consistent contractions. It looked like 2 more weeks of bedrest and meds would help us get to term, but then when she measured my belly her mood quickly changed. I was measuring behind (for the first time ever) so she decided to do an u/s. My sweet OB does NOT have a good poker face! She quickly sent me down to the MFM.

According to the MFM my placenta looks very "abnormal". At 20 weeks everything looked great, but now it's not? Briggs is not getting adequate blood flow, so he is compensating by sending most of it to his brain. His head is measuring on track, but abdomen and limbs are a couple weeks behind. At this point it's not an emergency situation, but it's something that needs to be closely monitored. They said he's in the 9th percentile right now. Not sure exactly what that means, but they acted like that's pretty low. They're hoping we can make it to 37 or 38 weeks, and will probably be delivering after that...if I don't go into labor before then.

Any spare T&P's you could send our way would be much appreciated! I'm back home resting on the couch for now. We'll be going back next Wednesday as long as all goes well until then. Thanks for your continued support!

Our 1st IVF miracle, Briggs Sterling, born via c-section due to IUGR and footling breech. 6.5.11. 5:51am. 5lbs 1.5oz.

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