Pregnant after IF

Speaking of pregnancy rage...

So, my stepdaughter was over for dinner with us tonight, and we had to drive her back to her mother/grandmother's house at 8pm. Their house is about half an hour away from ours, so we hop on the expressway to get there and back. On our way home from dropping her off, this chick cuts us off on the expressway, zips in front of us on the exit ramp, then slams on her brakes. Clearly, she doesn't know how to drive. DH is notorious for his road rage, and is swearing up and down and making comments about the woman. 

We make it off the exit ramp, and we are still behind her at the red light. There are 2 cars in front of her, then her car, then us. Everyone is stopped. Suddenly, I yell to DH that this chick is rolling backwards and is about to hit us. Right then, she bumped into us. DH rolls his window down to tell her to pull off and we can check out the cars and such, the chick pulls the car up a bit so she isn't on top of us anymore, then she opens her door, and gets out. Just then, the car starts ROLLING BACK INTO US AGAIN!. This chick tries to hold the car to stop it instead of getting in and doing something. It hits us AGAIN. We both pull off into a parking lot, and DH and I get out to check out our car. Luckily, there was no damage at all to our car...not even a scratch.

However, I was PISSED. I decided to go all angry pregnant woman on her. So I walked around the car and started going off on her about how if she doesn't know how to control her car, she shouldn't be driving it. I made her cry. Then she started this sob story about how her son was in the hospital, and she got lost and got off on the wrong exit, and she was so upset by all of this and how sorry she is and everything. I felt a little bad. But not much. She sounded drunk to me. DH decided not to call the cops because there was no damage to our car, noone was hurt (we were stopped, and the car rolled into barely a bump). After we all left, he then decided he probably should've called the cops anyway because he thought she smelled drunk, and we both now think she was making up the story about her son.

I still can't believe she rolled into us TWICE. I mean, come on...accidents happen, but TWICE in one minute? Idiot. 

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