Pregnant after IF

1st Ultrasound

Well, I don't have a pic to share, cause it's too soon (I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow), but we did see 2 sacs! So twins, maybe? My ovaries are still very swollen from IVF & I do have some fluid so they want me to continue resting & staying with my feet elevated. I guess we will know more in a few weeks....meeting with the RE tomorrow....I'll keep you all posted. 
Me: 28, DH: 28
Married for 2 1/2 years
TTC for 2+ years...after numerous tests, we were told IVF w/ICSI would be the only way to go for us
May 10, 2011 - BFP!!!! Took a HPT @ 6dp5dt & it was positive! May 12, 2011 Beta= 74!!! May 14, 2011 Beta = 201!!! May 16, 2011 Beta = 404!!! May 18, 2011 Beta = 786!!! May 20, 2011 Beta = 1,964!!! May 23, 2011 Beta = 4,685!!!! June 1, 2011: We're having TWINS! imageimageLilypie Pregnancy tickers
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