Pregnant after IF

Can I wear Spanx?

So Friday is a big deal for us.  I have my NT scan in the morning and my nephew's confirmation in the afternoon.  We haven't really told any family yet (only my SIL knows-but she knew we were going through IVF). We're thinking of maybe telling after next Tuesday (that's when I have my follow-up with my OB since my scan is at the hospital). 

My SIL commented to me I am majorly showing.  She even said MIL made a comment to her, but she didn't respond.  MIL would never ask me (esp. after the miscarriage last year).  So, we want to hide it for a little bit longer.  I have a dress but I would definitely need Spanx to help hide my belly.  DH doesn't think I should wear the Spanx, but then it would be noticeable.  What should I do?  I keep telling him the babies still have room, but he doesn't want them squished. Stick out tongue

*SAIF* always welcome
TTC since October 2007
Dx with Unexplained IF
IUI #1-3 w/clomid: Jan-March 2010...BFN
IUI #4 w/injectables: April 2010...BFP
1st u/s: 5/17-one little perfect hb@7w2d, 2nd u/s: 6/5-no hb@10w;
missed miscarriage: 6/10 d&c
IUI #5-7 w/injectables: Sept 2010-Jan 2011...BFFN
IVF #1: Feb/March 2011...pretty please let this work!!!!

Expecting twin boys!!!!! Pregnancy Ticker
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