Pregnant after IF

AW: Half baked, and we know the flavor

So, we had our anatomy scan today.  It turns out that I have an anterior placenta, which is why I haven't been able to feel any movement so far. The placenta is also low-lying, enough that they want to bring me back in 2 months for another ultrasound.  The doc didn't seem too concerned about it, so I have decided not to worry about it until then.

The good news is that the baby looked as good as it could have measurement-wise, and we are having a BOY!  Crazy stuff!  Afterward, DH looked at me and said "I really feel like a father now!"  It was a cute moment.

My son (squee!) wasn't cooperating for a good face shot or a decent profile shot. Between my placenta and his hand, we could barely see his face.  Since I get to have another ultrasound, I am gonna have to hold tight until then.

I can't believe that this is happening!  Thanks for reading! 


TTC Child #1 Sept '08, Dx: Unexplained, DOR 2 IUI's = BFN, m/c, IVF 1 = 0 embies to put back, IVF 2 = BFN, IVF 3 = cancelled, IVF 4 = BFP with 1 embie. Our son came into our life on 9/28/11. We are in love! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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