Pregnant after IF

AW: 20/20

And we saw MFM for anatomy scan continuation from 16w3d and fetal echo. Everything looks great so far. The baby weigh about 11 ounces and the heart looks good. Heart rate is normal at 136. During the u/s the tech switched to 4D so it was pretty cool.

The dr was saying something about the placement where the placenta implanted or something. He said that it was on the borderline. Nothing to worry about, just need to keep an eye on it. He said it's pretty common on IVF babies. We didn't even ask for a more detailed explanation because we were too worried about the fetal echo. I guess we'll ask OB in 2 weeks what it means.

TTC Since 01/09
Unexplained IF
Clomid cycle 1-3 - BFN IUI 1-3 - BFN IVF 1 - BFP 4/4/11 - It's a boy! imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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