Pregnant after IF

T&Ps Needed (again)

Here's the latest:  Baby A grew 6 oz from 2 weeks ago and is now in the 31st percentile, weighing right around 2lb 11oz..  Baby B did NOT grow at all.  Yeah, at ALL.  He's still 1lb 15oz and is now in the 6th percentile (which is bad).  So, we're talking delivery in weeks at this point, but I have to go back every other day for more testing.  I had the first steroid shot today, and will do the 2nd steroid shot tomorrow, then another doppler check and u/s on Wednesday, Friday, and Tuesday.  The confusing piece and the reason we're not delivering yet but they went with the steroid shots, Baby B's still getting good blood flow, cord pressure looks normal, and he's moving all around in there, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, with the no weight gain, they usually see restricted flow/pressure (which is not the case for us).  Both our MFM and our OB were a little confused by this, but there's no rhyme or reason at this point.
Our new(er) MFM agreed to take us on in his twin clinic (he usually focuses on mono/mono or mono/di twins, and not di/di like we have.)  He will be the one to deliver us, most likely in the next few weeks.  

It's looking like my August babies will be June babies...    

Mr. & Mrs. ~ 09.08.07

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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