Pregnant after IF

Just got home from L&D

I had a slight headache since yesterday. I woke up this morning so swollen. My hands were so swollen they were painful and I can barely close them halfway. DH said my face looked swollen, especially around my eyes. My tongue also felt really swollen, which is so weird.?

I had high BP a few weeks ago and was sent to L&D for it. So I called my OB when they opened and I figured he would just have me come in. But he told me to go to L&D because getting bloodwork done there would be faster.?

Everything is fine. Sono was good. Baby weighs about 3 1/2 pounds! Bloodwork was fine. I am just super swollen. And I still have a bit of a headache. But all is okay with the baby.?

DS born 7.30.11
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