Pregnant after IF

Vent: the things people say

So, I know that I've gained a good amount of weight during my treatments and most of it is in my belly area. This makes me appear more pregnant than I really am, especially when I wear maternity tops or dresses. I already know this, so I don't need people reminding me. I wish when you tell someone you are pregnant, they would just be excited and say you look great (even if they are lying, lol).

I went to a birthday party this weekend for someone from my church's kid. I haven't seen the people there in a while, so I also told them I was pregnant (or they chided me for not telling them myself since they found out from someone else.) The next question was how far along are you. And after saying 12 weeks, they would reply with, Whoa! That's gonna be a big baby! or You're showing already??!! Embarrassed It made me feel really self conscious. 

I actually haven't gained any weight during this pregnancy and my doctor isn't concerned. I know that I am healthy and fine, but those comments still get to me. I guess i have to get used to hearing rude things from people throughout this pregnancy.

On the bright side, I did go visit my birth mom and little brother and was able to show them our most recent u/s pic. She is really excited and said I look beautiful! Big Smile

married since 11/21/06 ~ together since 8/12/01
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BFP 11/08 ~ Chemical Pregnancy
ttc #1 since 5/2010 with PCOS and blocked left tube
IUI #1-2: Gonal F, Ovidrel, IUI: BFN
IUI#2.5:Gonal F + CD34 Ovidrel Trigger + TI 3/14/11: BFP!
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