Pregnant after IF

My Top Ten

Reasons why I refuse to leave the house until after these babies are born (with the exception of doctor appointments because I have no other choice in those!)

10.  None of my maternity bottoms fit anymore except maternity yoga pants.  I only have 2 pairs. Sad

9.  I have to sit down between showering and getting ready because I have to rest.

8.  My feet swell within 60 seconds of being on them.

7.  Because of #8, I can only wear flip flops (at least they work with my yoga pants?!?)

6.  I can't really breathe, eat, or sleep at this point.  Life really is harder when you can't do these essential tasks!  

5.  People full.on.STARE at me wherever I go.  Look, I know I'm very pregnant, but seriously, people stare at me like I am some freak of nature.

4.  If I hear "You're ready to pop", or "Any second now, huh?" one more time, I might just throat punch someone.  And of course, when I have to reply that I have 2 more weeks that opens up a whole other line of stupid questioning.

3.  Someone said to me yesterday "Hey - you know you are going to birth a toddler right?" in front of dozens of people at a crowded restaurant.  Seriously, I hope he got the intended meaning of my death stare. Who says that sort of thing?

2.  When we got seated yesterday at that same restaurant, I couldn't fit in the booth. Crying  The table was mounted to the wall, so it couldn't move, so we had to go back to the waiting area to wait for a table. 

And the most humiliating reason for not leaving the house anymore... 

1.  Instead of putting us at a regular table & chairs setup, they put us at the handicapped seating of the bar area.

Yup, that was officially it for me.  I am done, and fully prepared to hide my enormous belly in my bedroom for the next 2 weeks.

After 3 years, 3 losses, and 3 IVF's, our little girls have arrived! Lilypie Premature Baby tickers Zoo
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