Pregnant after IF

Unsupportive family member

I was brought up that you support your family members regardless of their decisions (unless it's something illegal or may hurt someone). Apparently, the wife of one of my cousins was not and it p!sses me off.

She refuses to go to any baby showers for anyone who is unwed. She even declined the invite to her own BILs (her husband's brother) because of this. Well, I just found out that she declined the invite to mine because of the way we did IVF. I understand that people have opinions on IF treatments (esp. extremely religious people) but come on ! I don't agree with a lot of things she does but keep my mouth shut and still attend her various functions b/c they are family.  I don't want to stop going to their stuff because I know "2 wrongs don't make a right" but I am going to find it even harder to bite my tounge. Maybe I'm just being overlly emotional due to hormones or b/c of how I feel like my baby is being slighted due to how she was conceived. I want to say that I will just ignore her in the future & think "to each your own" but that just p!sses me off that she can't be supportive.

Does anyone have any family that's like this? How do you deal with them? I don't want to turn around and start criticizing her choices b/c I just don't want to start a family war. She's also the type that likes to blow things out of the water and if you make a small comment, she twists it to seem like you made some huge/even worse comment. Apparently, she can do no wrong.

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Dx: Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism After 2 years TTC & failed IUs,we have our IVF baby born 9/24/11

LO#2 aka 'Miracle Baby' Orig. EDD= 9/28 EDD moved to 10/3/13
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