Pregnant after IF

update to 24 hr urine

well this wekend wasnt easy.i did my 24 hr collection from sunday morning  6am till this morning 6am. i tell you it wasnt eay peeing into what looked like a gas container with a 7 month belly in the way.i finally had to pee into  a plastic container and transfer it to the bigger conatiner quest had given me.iam glad it is over and hope the results are good.

some history. my b/p had be slightly elevated last 2 vists.120/85,130/ first ob viist my b/p was 110/71.and when i tested my urine at home  before last visit there was a trace of protien.dr just wants to be proactive in heading off pre-e.

TTC since 4/09. last iui before moving to ivf 8/31. postive beta 9/14 . m/c a@ 3wks . moving onto IVF cycle # 1 start lupron 10/13. 11/5 started menopur and gonal f. IVF # 1 ER on 11/15/10.ET 11/20/10. 12 eggs fertilized. 5d 2 blastocsyt transfer. 1 implanted.we are pregenant with a girl due 8/8/11 . I had my baby girl 4 weeks early July 12/11.she spent 2 weeks in NICU.
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