Babies: 9 - 12 Months


They came to visit LO today and in passing, on the way out the door, DH's dad mentioned he thinks he may hace C-DIFF (clostridium difficile) again! WTF!

I told DH they are no longer allowed in our house if contagious with anything. If LO gets it there is no cure. So far they have brought the flu and another case of confirmed c-diff into our household when I was pregnant without informing us ahead of either.

I just don't get it. If you contagious (or suspect that you are) stay the hell away from a baby and/or pregnant women! 

DH is acting like it's no big deal. His Dad and Mom were passing through twon for a follow-up to his Dad's recent surgery. His Dad mentioned literally 2 hours into the visit that he had all the symptoms of c-diff again and suspects they will diagnose him with this when he gets to the hospital tomorrow. I love my inlaws but they should have absolutely told us about this before!!!!!!

They should have especially stopped LO from playing with an un-sealed pop bottle his dad had been drinking out of and holding. Nothing. She picked it up to play with it when he offered it to her. I'm so pissed right now.

Needless to say I had DH phone his Dad and requested that they call us to confirm what the diagnosis is as soon as they know for LO's sake.

I'm really really really angry right now! 

I do love my inlaws - they are great - just frustrated.

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