Pregnant after IF

ILs vent...I just need to get this out ;-)

We planned to have my ILs over for dinner 2 weeks ago, they were supposed to be here at 5pm.  Guess what time it is 5pm and they just called to tell me they are running late and they won't be leaving their house for another 10-15 min, they live 25 min from here so they won't get here until 545ish.  I despise tardiness because it just screams, I don't value your time and I'm more important than you.  But seriously they are late for everything and I mean everything (ie. they missed our wedding rehearsal by 2 hrs and were late for the wedding). 

This dinner is going to be painful.  My ILs told me on mother's day that my SIL (who is disabled and lives with them) is not happy about the baby and doesn't want to see me or him.  Did I really need to know that?  I'm already freaked out by the fact that she hates kids, is obsessed with violence, murder and death.  I will not be leaving my child with them alone until he has the ability to run and protect himself.  I don't know how I am going to explain to DH that LO can't have unsupervised visits at their house because she may hurt him.

They are forcing SIL to come to dinner, I know this because she hasn't spoken to or seen me since we told them I was pg at 6 weeks.  When we go to their house she refuses to come out of her room.  MIL is obsessed with LO which is only going to fuel SIL's dislike of him.  I really really don't want to have this dinner, it's going to be awkward and stressful and without this stuff our relationship is already awkward and stressful.

Ok vent over...wish me luck.

TTC since 8/2004
Me - DX Hashimoto's Disease, Hypothyroid, Rheumatoid Arthritis
DH - DX Azoospermia - Sertoli Cell Syndrome
DS-IUI #1-4 BFN IVF #1 - BFP! It's a boy!!!
Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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