Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Need BIL help.

Yes this is an AE... I did it to protect some people involved.

Okay I am at my wits end with my BIL and it is causing tension between DH and I.

Here are a few examples of things that he has done.

-He has numerous DUIs and has lost his licence 2x this suspension is currently for a year.

-He held someone againts their will and was charged.

-His parents hire a fantastic laywer so he gets off

-He is an alcholic and drug user and recently went to rehab to help get him off his charges, he is now home an activly engaging in the same activities.

-Parents are turining a blind eye because they feel he is alot better now.

-He has an uncurable STD that he is knowingly spreading to numerous partners. He  can't be criminally charged I checked.

How is this effecting me. When DD was newly born I was in the backseat of my jeep with DH's small cousin and my MIL was going to take us to the mall. BIL jumps in the drivers seat and within minutes I realize he is high. Knowing from past experiences I knew it was safer not to engage him or kill us all. (its really that scary)

He asked my non drug using boss at my wedding for blow

He almost missed my wedding because he was sleeping one off and was also in the ithe wedding party where  he was MIA at some girls home.

He hates my guts, no real reason I really just ignor him because otherwise I would explode at him.

He called DD fat and CHubby and that we over fed her. DD is in the 50th percentile.

He came over to my house with my inlaws (whom he still lives with) and did not say hi, I cooked a meal for everyone to celebrate mine and DH's annaversery all he had to say was 'look at all thease *** carbs'  He also refused to let his mom eat ne bread because if she broke her diet (that he put her on) he would start drinking again.

Most recently he needed a ride to school and instead of comming right out and asking for one he got his parents to call DH and drag DD who was sick with the flu to their house lying saying they needed to finishing getting everything out of their home because it was the last day they had possesion.  His mom also called and asked if DH could hurry up. BIL also makes DH bring him lunch. DH being the sucker he is drove him to school. He could have taken the sky train in half the amount of time it would have taken to drive there.

When an exgirlfriend I am friendly with confronted him about the STD and all the health complications he told her GOOD YOU DESERVE IT.

He is manipulative and his parents are afraid of him and I understand that is their problem, but because of their enabling he continues to get into trouble and they pay whatever they can to get him out. (they had to sell their house) We have tried counsilors are they even went away to learn how to handle him.

He is disrespectfull to me and DH but because DH wants to be their and supportive of his little brother he takes the abuse and tries to be a positive role model in his life. I want nothing to do with BIL I basically say hello and dont engage him unless it is unavoidable. He is hurtfull and cruel and I worry what harm he could cause DD. 

I am afraid he will bankrupt his parents or put his already ill mother in the hospital. I am not to speak my mind with BIL because it will cause unnesserary tension and I want nothing more then to have a go at him.

If you followed me thank you, I am sorry for the spelling mistakes and rambling.  


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