Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Don't know what to do (vent-ish)

This may be flammable but here goes,

H has had his cat for 17 years. We have been treating the cat's diabetes for a few years. Now we've found out that Scout also has arthritis and is losing his sight. He's in pain, he yowls most of the day and barley makes it to the litter box anymore.

As a rule, I don't deal with his poop. The chances of me catching toxoplasmosis from him are slim because he has been an indoor cat for most of his life, (he may have caught a mouse or two though, but not recently). I don't handle his litter because we go to church with a girl who handled her cats litter while pregnant and has a daughter with a severe mental handicap as a result.

That being said, H is in denial, He doesn't really listen when I tell him how the cat is acting, since he's at work most of the day he doesn't see how Scout acts most of the time, and when he gets home he always puts off dealing with the poop on the floor until I beg him to. He doesn't think there is any risk in leaving the dirty litter alone for a couple days because of the fact that Scout has always been indoor, but leaving feces around to get into the air can't be exactly healthy. He won't take Scout to the vet to get checked out and seems to ignore the fact that he's in pain.

People won't come over to our house because it always smells bad. And H just doesn't are, He keeps inviting people over for dinner and they keep putting it off. (SIL actually told me that Scout is the reason why they don't come over)

H just has started ignoring the fact that his cat needs help (whatever that means)

Sorry to Vent at you guys, Scout just left another lovely present on the stairs (even though his litter box is clean) That will have to stay there until H gets home from work, great.


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