Pregnant after IF


Hi guys!

 I'm still here and no baby :( I did a round of Misoprostal and NOTHING. It was a series of 6 pills over the course of 15 hrs and I didnt get a single contraction. We are starting the PIt up again today and hopefully it will work. If not they are talking C-section. I have been here since Thursday night and started off high closed andI im still 2cm dialted and 60 percent effaced. I guess this baby just doesnt want to come out :(  Wish me luck today!! Hoepfully my next post will be about LO's arrival!

TTC since 12/ 06: H/Azoospermia Ivf#1 BFP m/c 5w3d FET#1 c/p FET# 2 BFN IVF#2 BFFN IVF#3 March/April
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