Pregnant after IF

update from L &D (long)

Hi guys! still no baby :( They gave me the cervidile last night and this morning at 7 I was 2cm dialted and 60 percent affeced after being completely closed and high. 

 All day long I had contractions that were 2 to 4 mins apart(after they started Pitocin) then right at 5p NOTHING!! No more contractions. They kept upping the Pit but nothing then at 8 it seemed to kick in again but walking and resting kept the contractions at bay :( 

I am exhausted and still no LO :( I got an Hr of sleep last night along with some small naps today. They really want to give me Misoprostal/cyotec but I can't bring myself to do it I've read conflicting things about it and its not FDA approved...ugh. I've been an emotional wreck.

So they decided to shut the PIT off for the night and start it again tomorrow. I guess they said this could take days...on top of it all having the GD which is why I am here makes this whole process suck even more. Im so bloated now from all the fluids..i've had my IV changed once already cause the other one was looking like it was going to blow a vein and last night another nurse did blow a vien on my left arm..I have a bruise the size of an egg on my arm..

I really hope this baby gets here soon. I know it will all be worth it in the end but I feel like im holding on by a thread..

Thanks for listening! 

TTC since 12/ 06: H/Azoospermia Ivf#1 BFP m/c 5w3d FET#1 c/p FET# 2 BFN IVF#2 BFFN IVF#3 March/April
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