Pregnant after IF

Would you consider having a Version for footling breech?

As you know, my son cannot make anything easy for me ;)  Most of my recent issues are escalated by the fact that he's footling breech. On ultrasound we could literally see him jumping on my cervix with his feet!

Anyway, my OB and I are still hoping that he'll flip, but since my body likes to contract so much it is not likely that he'll get the chance to flip. She said if I make it to 36 weeks she would do a Version if I want her to (performed in the hospital in case anything goes wrong).  I told my OB I'm not interested... My friend is a NICU nurse and told me "whatever you do, do NOT let your doctor perform a version"...  

I have pretty much come to terms with the fact that I'll probably have a scheduled c-section even though I'd love to have a vaginal delivery. My OB kinda acted like I should really consider doing it. WWYD in this situation? If you made it to 36 weeks and he still hadn't flipped would you let her do the version so you could have a vaginal delivery, or just go ahead with the c-section???

Our 1st IVF miracle, Briggs Sterling, born via c-section due to IUGR and footling breech. 6.5.11. 5:51am. 5lbs 1.5oz.

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