Pregnant after IF

Called the Peri...

Hi! I don't usually post, but comment here and there.

I am preg with triplets, 24wks today! I had pains last night that were different than the normal discomfort I've been feeling up to this point. I got really scared, everything that could happen flashed before my eyes. I decided not to call last night, unless the pain was unbearable, it wasn't.

This morning I reached out to some of the multiple moms and they suggest I call, just to be safe. So I did. They moved my appt up to tomorrow from next Fri. So I get to go in a week early and see if they have anything to be concerned about. From there they'll decide whether or not further monitoring is necessary.

I'm terrified. I hope nothing's wrong and I am just feeling growing pains. But if there is something like PTL or PreE...I'm really nervous about that.

I see all your support for anyone that has Any issues, and really need some right now!! Just keep me and my Trio in your T&Ps and I'll update as soon as we have any sort of news!

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