Pregnant after IF

Time for a fun poll?

Thought I'd put one of these together since I'm at work, clearly distracted and ready for my nap. :)

Copy and paste questions and answer for everyone to see!

1) Have you finished your nursery and/or planned it out? What colors/theme are you using?

2) How are you currently sleeping?

3) Any favorite snacks lately?

4) What was your favorite childhood TV show?

5) Any plans for Memorial Day weekend coming up?

BFP! (3/9) 1st beta 121, (3/11) 2nd beta 338, (3/15) 3rd beta 1648, (3/28) 1st u/s TWINS!!
(6/15) We are having a boy and a girl! Yay!
Babies were born on 11/7/11! My blog

Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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