Pregnant after IF

Endo ladies

You ladies must be loving me this 2ww with all my questions.

Quick question - I have stage 1 endo and am not able to get it removed because of it's location (behind the uterus). Have any of you gotten a BFP without having your endo removed? My endo is not blocking any tubes or anything but I hate the fact that it gives off that horrible hormone.....

I had a m/c my first go round of IVF. I am so nervous about next wed and my beta... thanks for understanding my anal-retentiveness.

TTC Journey:
Me: Dx stage I endometriosis DH: minimal MFI - 3% morph
IUI #1 - cycle converted to IVF #1 due overproduction of follies.
BFP - m/c :(
IVF #2 (finally) - Lupron + FSH + Ovidrel + Crinone = 10 eggs retrieved, Two grade A embryos transferred, 3 frosties!
BFP - Beta #1 39.4 Beta #2 22 = c/p :(
FET #1
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