Pregnant after IF

Can't get rid of a bad cough.

I was told to try tea with lemon and honey and it didn't work.  Cough drops dont work either.  The cough keeps me up at night and almost makes me want to throw up its so bad.  Not sure if its all allergies (doubt it because its been pouring here for days) but OB said Claritin is ok - I just dont feel right taking it.  Any suggestions or should I be a pain in the neck to my OB again?

TTC since July 2009.
MFI, Moving onto IVF-ICSI.
IVF #1 = BFP - sadly a blighted ovum discovered at 7 wks.
D+C 12/7/10.
IVF#2 - ER 3/27. 8 fertilized. ET 4/1; transferred 2 blasts; 2 frosties (total of 3 now)
Beta #1, 4/11 = 291! Beta#2, 4/18 = 2702. Beta #3, 4/25 = 17303.
Ultrasound #1, 4/29 = 1 perfect baby and heartbeat!.
7/21 = a/s! It's a boy!!
Robert Lawrence was born on December 1st at 4:32 am weighing 6lb 3oz, 19.5 inches long and healthy as anything!!
Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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