Pregnant after IF

Positive hpt, but low 1st beta

This is my first time posting on here as I usually lurk around the TTTC board, but I'm hoping one of you can shed some light on my situation.  We had our second IUI in May and went in for our 1st beta this morning, but the number was really low 11.4.  We took a digital hpt yesterday and it said pregnant.  Our RE wants us back in on Friday for our 2nd beta, but I'm wondering what the chances are of this being a viable pregnancy with such a low beta.  My concern is that our hpt was positive yesterday, which I thought required a higher level of hcg than blood tests, so I'm afraid that means my hcg is dropping and it's another chemical pregnancy for us.

Any advice or stories of really low betas resulting in success are really appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

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