Pregnant after IF

Gift for dear friend that is PAIF (from another IFer)

Sorry to jump on this board but I have a question...

I have a dear friend that got her BFP after almost years and 5 losses.  She has never gotten to 12 weeks until this pregnancy.  I'm so excited for her!  We've been IF buddies for the past 6 months.  I would really like to get her a sentimental gift and thought you ladies may have some good ideas.  Are there any good books for people that are PAIF?  Have you gotten any gifts that were really special?  TIA for any suggestions!




After more than 2 years of fertility treatments, FET did the trick!
IVF March 2012 - BFP! - Severe OHSS = 8 days in the hospital in kidney failure
No heartbeat at 10w6d
FET August 27,2012 = BFP!
It's a boy!
My Blog - 3 Dogs, No Baby

BabyFruit Ticker
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