Pregnant after IF

Anyone feel like complaining?

I woke up grumpy and moody this morning.  Maybe if I vent some of my crankiness, it will go away!  Any other hormonal ladies care to join??

4 Things that annoy the crap outta me:
#1. Cashiers who comment on all the items you're buying as they scan them.  "ooh this is cute"... "hey does this stuff work?"  Umm, MYOB!  lol
#2. When DH tries to help by emptying the dishwasher but has to ask me where half the stuff is supposed to go, even though it's all been in the same spot for 2yrs!
#3. Bird poop all over my patio set. Again. No more yummy birdseed in the feeders if you keep this up, birds!
#4. People like my MIL who still send around those same dumb forwards on email that we've all been getting since 1998 when I used dial-up AOL. 

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