Pregnant after IF

bad mood

I've been feeling depressed for a few days now for no real reason.  And then I had a bad day at work today and I can't stop crying.  I hate being in this bad mood and I feel really guilty for not being happy because I'm pregnant with twins and I should be happy.  And I should be super excited and grateful for my babies.  But I'm terrified and sad and I'm so scared that maybe I won't ever feel better.  I'm hoping that it's just hormones. 

TTC since 5/10
Dx: PCOS 12/10
IUI #1 (2/11/11): Metformin + Clomid + Ovidrel = BFN
IUI #2 (3/13/11): Metformin + Gonal-F + Ovidrel = BFP
Beta #1 (15dpo) 460, Beta #2 (17dpo) 829, Beta #3 (19dpo) 1550 u/s #1 (4/12/11): Twins!

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