Pregnant after IF

Need a Little Hope

Hi Ladies-- I'm sorry to post having never posted before but I'm in the middle of a roller coaster of IVF emotions and would love something that relieves the stress a bit. 

 We had our first beta yesterday at 86 (yeah!) but progesterone was low.  Dr. added progeseterone supps.  Today I have brown spotting comes and goes in how heavy.  Called the doc they said normal and to come in for beta tomorrow.  But I'm freaking out.  how can this be normal?

Anyone have any experience?  Good or bad I'm just trying to be ready. 



Married October 28, 2006, TTC since March 2009 IUI #1-8 w/ clomid = BFN
IVF # 1 May, 2011 = BFP!!! Stillbirth at 26 weeks (placental failure/severe IUGR)
FET #1 February, 2012-- BFP! Beta #1=84 Beta #2= 207 Beta #3= 3,526 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
Our Rainbow Baby is on the Way!
BabyFruit Ticker
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