Pregnant after IF

Weight gain question for the larger ladies

Did you start really gaining weight right away or did it take some time and then it just pick up?

Tomorrow I will be at the half-way mark (yay 20 weeks!) but have only gained 4 pounds. My belly and boobs are obviously bigger so it just seems like my weight has re-dispursed itself. At my appt last month, the doc didn't really seemed fazed. I have this month's appt on Friday and will bring it up to this doc ( I see a diff. doc in the practice each month).

Is this par for the course for starting off being bigger? Another thing it could be is that my thyroid is finally in check/stabilized (of course, with meds).

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Dx: Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism After 2 years TTC & failed IUs,we have our IVF baby born 9/24/11

LO#2 aka 'Miracle Baby' Orig. EDD= 9/28 EDD moved to 10/3/13
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