Pregnant after IF

my new love ...

the moby wrap.  I saw women wearing this thing and really didn't think it was for me.  I just thought it looked like there was a lot of room for user error and that no piece of fabric could be secure enough for me to be carrying Jax around in.  Well I had a doula that started today.  She is mostly here to help with BFing issues as she is also a lactation consultant.  However she brought her moby and wrapped him in it to do my dishes while I took a shower.  He LOVED it.  He was so happy in it she left it for me to try for the next couple of days to decide if I want to buy one.  Well after our last feeding Jax was a little fussy and I put him in this thing and he is so happy and now fast asleep against my chest as I type. It is also very secure and I know there is no way he could fall out of this thing.

 So if any of you are considering a wrap, I recommend the Moby.  I have the Ergo for later on but this is perfect for infants.  I might have to take a pic of him in it soon to share.  

Dx with PCOS and IR June 2009
After two losses, third time was a charm.
pm me for blog link
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