Pregnant after IF

any success stories about 5 follicles and IUI??

Hi all ... are there any success stories out there that people want to share with me about 5 follicles and IUI... my DH and I have been trying for over a year after a vasectomy reversal after having a vasectomy for 15 years and were dealing with male factor infertility.  Yesterday (May15th) we went through our 3rd IUI (first 2 with Clomid and this one with 150 IU Follistim).  At the monitoring appointment the morning of the trigger shot we were told we had 5 definite mature follicles and possibly another 3 that could go ... also we were surprised to find out that his sample after the enzyme wash was 40 million sperm per mL with 90% motility!!  What an awesome shocker!!  We are now in the horrible 2 week wait and I am trying to keep my head high because I feel great this time... somehting feels different and I would really love ot hear some success stories right now to keep my spirits up ... anyone out there??
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