Pregnant after IF

Just for fun: 10 things I wish I had accomplished before pre-term labor ;)

1. Packing hospital bag- I intended to do it by 33 weeks. Sure enough, I was hospitalized at 32w4d. Awesome.

2. Washing baby clothes/blankets/etc., packing up baby's bag, and organizing his closet & dresser

3. Bought/installed my carseat- I was waiting for my last shower, which ended up having to be canceled because of my circumstances

4. Deep cleaning my house


6. Mani/Pedi- I am craving one sooooo bad right now

7. Spent more time at Babies R Us stocking up on essentials. Sending DH to do it is not ideal ;)

8. Taken care of my Short Term Disability paperwork- Had to do it all from the hospital. Annoying.

9. Researched pre-term labor and premature birth. Had no clue I'd ever deal with this

10. Purchased nursing bras/tanks and nightgowns for the hospital, as well as some preemie onesies

 I'm sure there's a million more things I could think of, but at least now I have plenty of spare time to do some online shopping, but there is SO much I wish I had accomplished before all this happened. I am a perpetual planner and I like to be prepared for everything! Needless to say, I am completely unprepared for all this but I'm pulling things together slowly but surely. I advise you all to be ready EARLY because you never know what's going to happen! Stick out tongue

Our 1st IVF miracle, Briggs Sterling, born via c-section due to IUGR and footling breech. 6.5.11. 5:51am. 5lbs 1.5oz.

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