Pregnant after IF

It took me forever to get here..

and now my body wants to stay pg..haha go figure!!

I had my last NST today as I am scheduled for induction on Thursday night. I had some bleeding this morning (after a bm..sorry tmi) so I thought things maybe have been gearing up but nope..they checked me and I'm still high and closed. Nothing is happening.

I had terrible back pain yesterday. Nothing :( It sucks that none of that meant anything :( 

I'm past feeling upset and trying to focus on the fact that my LO will be here soon :) It still doesn't feel real at all. 

I'll keep you all posted in the mean time!! :)

TTC since 12/ 06: H/Azoospermia Ivf#1 BFP m/c 5w3d FET#1 c/p FET# 2 BFN IVF#2 BFFN IVF#3 March/April
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