Pregnant after IF

I'm back in the hospital **UPDATED**

The good news is I got a new laptop so I can Bump from here :)

The bad news is I had too many contractions today at home (I'm allowed 4 in any given hour) so the Doctor made me come back to L&D. I've also been feeling pretty crampy and achey all day. They admitted me around 2pm and at 6 my OB came and did another internal ultrasound. My cervix is changing slowly but surely because little Mr. Briggs is kicking it non-stop! The Procardia and Terbutiline are not holding off my contractions very well anymore. They keep increasing my doses, but as soon as the drugs wear off the contractions come back.

I'm hoping she'll send me home again tomorrow, but DH and I both have a feeling she will decide to keep me here long term. I'll keep you ladies posted. THANKS AGAIN FOR THE CONTINUED SUPPORT! Your thoughts and prayers have been working!

Our 1st IVF miracle, Briggs Sterling, born via c-section due to IUGR and footling breech. 6.5.11. 5:51am. 5lbs 1.5oz.

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